We celebrated Thanksgiving this past week, and gratitude was in the air, but it is essential to think about daily what you are grateful for. Daily gratitude helps create a heart of love, which can lead to more happiness and less stress. This post discusses how to develop a spirit of gratitude and some benefits that come with it! Appreciation not only means giving thanks for blessings; it means giving thanks in all things. When we give thanks each day, regardless of if it was a good or bad day, we reap joy in our hearts.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:11, “So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.“ (NLT)
It’s lovely to know that God gives us excellent gifts, but the most important gift that we receive from God is His son Jesus and So; How thankful are we for Jesus daily? Do you spend each day remembering the sacrifice He made or the pain He bare? Let me encourage you to be grateful for Jesus each day because He is thankful for you.
How do we develop a heart of gratitude? First, I recommend having a routine where you write the blessing that we experience the day before or in our life. Jesus shares in Luke 17:11-19 about how important it is to give thanks. Jesus and his disciples were traveling when they came upon ten lepers who asked Jesus if he could heal them. He told the men to show themselves to the priests and offer their gifts, as Moses commanded. The men obeyed Jesus and went to the priests. After they were healed, only one of them came back to Jesus and returned thanks for his healing. Jesus said the faith of that one man healed him. Our faith can help us be grateful for Christ’s things for us, but sometimes we take things for granted. I would say the other nine Leeper took Christ’s miracle for granted. So the next step I recommend is simple. Take nothing for granted. Count your blessing each day.
Developing a heart of gratitude is one way to live in the present and enjoy life more. It can also help reduce stress levels, which is crucial if you want your business or company to thrive. If you’d like some tips on how to develop such a mindset, keep reading! The Bible says that “a thankful person will be blessed with good things from God” (Proverbs 22:9). You don’t need to develop all these insights yourself; it’s ok if someone else has already done this for you.
Think about what you are already doing to show gratitude and pray that you will find new ways that create a permanent change in your life.
Pray for:
Pray that the Lord will guide you to a heart of Thanksgiving each day.